LP2 – Add-Ons
Extra Power for
Your LP2 Installation:
❯ GateScheduler
❯ OrderPortal
❯ WebPublishing
❯ BillingPortal
Expand the options you have with the transport management system LP2 with our add-on modules: With GateScheduler, you manage your ramp control with ease. The OrderPortal optimizes your inbound process chain. And WebPublishing provides you with a freight exchange, an order placement tool and a communication portal for your forwarders, all in one.
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LP2 Add-on – GateScheduler
Ramp Control with GateScheduler: Perfect Coordination with Minimal Communication Effort
The loading ramps and gates at your company's logistics centers also experience strong fluctuations in capacity utilization. Busy periods, with many vehicles rushing in alternate with comparatively quiet times. Experienced logisticians recognize room for improvement, and the opportunity to reduce costs and error risks at the loading dock through better synchronization. For this particular target group, we developed the web application GateScheduler – our software for time window management or slot management at loading ramps.

Overview of the GateScheduler add-on
The effect: Arriving and departing vehicles synchronize themselves automatically, idle times are minimized and your warehouses' personnel workload is significantly more balanced.
- Transport are placed on the website by LP2
- After logging in with a username and password, each forwarder can (only) see their transport
- The forwarder books their transport with the remaining vacant slots and gates. If more time is required, they can book several consecutive time slots.
The effect: Arriving and departing vehicles synchronize themselves automatically, idle times are minimized and your warehouses' personnel workload is significantly more balanced.
- Manage any number of sites, each with any number of gates. You can also exclude individual gates from external booking via GateScheduler (internal transport, reserve)
- You can set the length of slots per gate and time
- Simple serial booking of regular transports is possible
- Customizable layout: The web application GateScheduler will have your company’s corporate design
- Automatic updates of the views guarantees transparency about ramp utilization at any time
- Enables evaluations by recording the actual arrival and departure times -
also as a data basis for discussions with poorly coordinating carriers. - Rebooking transports is possible: This allows a quick reaction in case of unforeseen events (understaffing, damaged gates, etc.)
- You can also book external transports (outside of LP2) manually
GateScheduler is an add-on to freight management system LP2 and is based on state-of-the-art web and database technologies. Flexible and configurable, GateScheduler can be adapted to your company-specific requirements and processes.
Details at a glance:
Details at a glance:
- Customizable masks and the user interface in general to fit your corporate design or website design
- Add-on for LP2
- Multilingual
- Browserbased access/client OS independent
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LP2 Add-On – OrderPortal
Total Control of the Inbound Process Chain
The OrderPortal allows you to fully integrate suppliers into the inbound process chain. By using this portal, you will increase the transparency and efficiency of your inbound logistics and complete control and digitization, from ordering from the supplier to goods receipt.

Selective order awarding
- Orders are placed in OrderPortal automatically
- The supplier can create shipping units (e.g. pallets) in OrderPortal and pack the ordered items into these shipping units by using drag & drop
- The SSCC label is created directly by the OrderPortal
- Transport forwarders can be awarded automatically
- All relevant delivery data are available electronically, providing an immediate overview at goods receipt of which goods are in which quantity in which packaging unit
- You can edit all relevant statistics and analyses interactively in OrderPortal
Orders to the supplier(s) are automatically placed in OrderPortal via an interface. The supplier thus sees all orders intended for them clearly in the portal. Various search options for references or status values are available to them.
When an order (or part of it) is ready to be shipped, the supplier creates the corresponding shipping units (e.g. pallets) in OrderPortal. Then the supplier packs the articles (order items) with the deliverable quantity into the created shipping units in OrderPortal using drag & drop. This creates a precise hierarchy showing which item and which quantity of it is packed in which package. In this process, the supplier can also specify details such as the BBD, batch number, or origin.
Label printing
The SSCC label can be created directly in OrderPortal. Thanks to its flexibility, the layout including the logo and further specific characteristics, such as the order number or item number, can be adapted according to your needs.
Assigning carriers
Transport can be assigned to a forwarder automatically within all transport-relevant data (if they are not assigned by the supplier). It is also possible to transfer the transports in real time to our WebPublishing portal for tendering or direct assignment.
Simplifying goods receipt
Once the order has been completed by the supplier, automated interfaces of the OrderPortal provide all required data to the purchaser‘s goods receipt system or WMS. After scanning the SSCC label during goods receipt in inbound delivery, all information for further treatment of the ordered goods are available.
Statistics & analyses
OrderPortal offers a wide range of statistics and analyses for internal and external purposes. The Cube module allows you to interactively and flexibly analyze the data. In addition, predefined Dashboards offer a quick overview. Their aim is to represent all relevant data in a transparent and self-explanatory way.
Orders to the supplier(s) are automatically placed in OrderPortal via an interface. The supplier thus sees all orders intended for them clearly in the portal. Various search options for references or status values are available to them.
When an order (or part of it) is ready to be shipped, the supplier creates the corresponding shipping units (e.g. pallets) in OrderPortal. Then the supplier packs the articles (order items) with the deliverable quantity into the created shipping units in OrderPortal using drag & drop. This creates a precise hierarchy showing which item and which quantity of it is packed in which package. In this process, the supplier can also specify details such as the BBD, batch number, or origin.
Label printing
The SSCC label can be created directly in OrderPortal. Thanks to its flexibility, the layout including the logo and further specific characteristics, such as the order number or item number, can be adapted according to your needs.
Assigning carriers
Transport can be assigned to a forwarder automatically within all transport-relevant data (if they are not assigned by the supplier). It is also possible to transfer the transports in real time to our WebPublishing portal for tendering or direct assignment.
Simplifying goods receipt
Once the order has been completed by the supplier, automated interfaces of the OrderPortal provide all required data to the purchaser‘s goods receipt system or WMS. After scanning the SSCC label during goods receipt in inbound delivery, all information for further treatment of the ordered goods are available.
Statistics & analyses
OrderPortal offers a wide range of statistics and analyses for internal and external purposes. The Cube module allows you to interactively and flexibly analyze the data. In addition, predefined Dashboards offer a quick overview. Their aim is to represent all relevant data in a transparent and self-explanatory way.
The OrderPortal is based on modern web and database technologies and is implemented as an LP2 extension.
Details at a glance:
Details at a glance:
- Latest browser technology
- Browser-based access and therefore independent of the client operating system
- Login for suppliers
- Secure multi-tier architecture with access to the existing databases
- Multilingual: The user can set the desired language and it is possible to set up additional languages
- Customizable to fit your corporate design/website design
- Flexibly customizable look, fields, usage and information output
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LP2 Add-On – WebPublishing
Three-In-One: Freight Exchange, Contracting Tool and Communication Portal for Forwarders
WebPublishing is an extremely smart and powerful add-on to the transport management system LP2. You easily create a freight exchange for your company, conveniently award individual transport orders to forwarders with little administrative effort and have an efficient portal for communication with your forwarders.

Complete 3 tasks with one modern tool
1) Transport orders
In WebPublishing, you can award transport orders to forwarders. LP2 publishes upcoming transport directly in WebPublishing. Forwarders see the posted transport and accept/confirm these orders – without numerous phone calls, regardless of time and place.
2) Auctions
Alternatively, you can publish orders as fully automatic auctions for a defined group of forwarders and carriers. Important: With WebPublishing, you are running your own, in-house freight exchange. In contrast to public freight exchanges/auction platforms on the Internet, no additional costs are charged per transport. Only a one-time software license is required.
3) Process optimization
WebPublishing acts as a communication portal and optimizes the organization in your logistics. Phone calls are significantly reduced, forwarders can print freight documents directly, and automated responses keep users up-to-date on transport and order statuses. With the SmartPOD app, you can even integrate subcontractors comfortably. They can communicate back by scanning QR codes, using Sign-on-Glass, or uploading photographic evidence.
Complete 3 tasks with one modern tool
1) Transport orders
In WebPublishing, you can award transport orders to forwarders. LP2 publishes upcoming transport directly in WebPublishing. Forwarders see the posted transport and accept/confirm these orders – without numerous phone calls, regardless of time and place.
2) Auctions
Alternatively, you can publish orders as fully automatic auctions for a defined group of forwarders and carriers. Important: With WebPublishing, you are running your own, in-house freight exchange. In contrast to public freight exchanges/auction platforms on the Internet, no additional costs are charged per transport. Only a one-time software license is required.
3) Process optimization
WebPublishing acts as a communication portal and optimizes the organization in your logistics. Phone calls are significantly reduced, forwarders can print freight documents directly, and automated responses keep users up-to-date on transport and order statuses. With the SmartPOD app, you can even integrate subcontractors comfortably. They can communicate back by scanning QR codes, using Sign-on-Glass, or uploading photographic evidence.
Selective order awarding
Your portal for logistics communication
- Publish individual freight orders directly from LP2 to selected forwarders
- Request current daily rates from your logistics partners
- Optimize the awarding process: Phone calls are reduced, work steps are faster and more efficient due to quick data exchange
- Decide per auction which forwarders should be invited to bid
- Automatic checks determine whether the bids offered are higher than the tariffs negotiated in master agreements
- Create transparency of market-driven prices through effective comparability of actual bids
- Maintain flexibility in the awarding process: You configure whether you automatically accept the cheapest bid or award the contract flexibly after manual review.
Your portal for logistics communication
- Optimize the awarding process: Phone calls are largely reduced, workflows are simpler and more efficient due to quick data exchange
- Provide freight documents to your forwarders that they can print directly from the web
- Record feedback per delivery (Track & Trace)
- Offer process advantages to carriers that may, in return, be reflected in their pricing (e.g.: avoiding empty runs via systematic freight selection)
- You are IT-independent of the carriers' systems in terms of electronic communication.
- The SmartPOD mobile app allows a proof of delivery just like CEP handhelds with Sign-on-Glass
- SmartPOD opens a secure communication channel for data transfer and triggering processes
WebPublishing is implemented as an add-on to LP2. Based on modern web technology, WebPublishing builds a closed auction portal within your company’s web presence, enables selective freight awarding and serves as a communication portal with your logistics partners.
Details at a glance:
Details at a glance:
- You can adapt masks and user interfaces to match your corporate design or website design
- Freight documents can be printed directly from WebPublishing
- Multilingual: The user can set the desired language; it is possible to set up additional languages
- Programmed in HTML5
- Browser-based access, therefore independent of the client operating system
- SmartPOD launches a secure communication process, whereby a QR code is scanned to provide a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) for secure authentication.
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LP2 Add-on – BillingPortal
BillingPortal – The Mediation Portal for Self-Billing and Incoming Invoices

- BillingPortal is an add-on module our successful freight solution LP2. It starts processing when a credit would be ready in order to send and book it.
- At that point, an invoicing partner (e.g. a forwarder) can check the pre-invoice before the payment duty starts and, if applicable, the VAT liability arises.
- The business partner can validate the process or submit corrections which the invoicing party will verify and confirm or reject.
- BillingPortal is a multilingual system that is working in any country, especially in countries that forbid self-billing or in which self-billing is unusual.
- Multiple departments can verify and confirm the correctness of incoming invoices.
- BillingPortal can show detailed statistics and useful analytics.
Freight calculation
In LP2, you calculate the freight for transports and shipments. There are various methods to do this, which you can also use in combination. For example, you can calculate manually in the transport or shipment, calculate hundreds of transactional objects by using a query (inquiry), or calculate fully automatically in the background via the job management of the freight server.
Voucher creation
After the calculation, so-called freight vouchers are created. There are various methods available in LP2 for creating a freight voucher, e.g. from the transport result or shipment result, or you create an empty freight voucher and then drag and drop the items onto the voucher using a query.
Freight checking
Now the forwarder can be automatically informed by the system that a new voucher is available for checking. The forwarder can view the voucher, accept it or reject it. When doing this, they can see every single cost element with its calculation bases and also download them via Excel to electronically check the credit advice.
When the forwarder is done with the check, they close the voucher. Once the voucher is completely accepted by the forwarder, it will be printed and posted again and definitively.
Statistics and analyses
A wide range of analyses is available for internal and external purposes. The aim is to represent all relevant data in a transparent and self-explanatory way.
You can analyze the data interactively using the Cube module or you can use the static but predefined dashboards for a quick overview.
In LP2, you calculate the freight for transports and shipments. There are various methods to do this, which you can also use in combination. For example, you can calculate manually in the transport or shipment, calculate hundreds of transactional objects by using a query (inquiry), or calculate fully automatically in the background via the job management of the freight server.
Voucher creation
After the calculation, so-called freight vouchers are created. There are various methods available in LP2 for creating a freight voucher, e.g. from the transport result or shipment result, or you create an empty freight voucher and then drag and drop the items onto the voucher using a query.
Freight checking
Now the forwarder can be automatically informed by the system that a new voucher is available for checking. The forwarder can view the voucher, accept it or reject it. When doing this, they can see every single cost element with its calculation bases and also download them via Excel to electronically check the credit advice.
When the forwarder is done with the check, they close the voucher. Once the voucher is completely accepted by the forwarder, it will be printed and posted again and definitively.
Statistics and analyses
A wide range of analyses is available for internal and external purposes. The aim is to represent all relevant data in a transparent and self-explanatory way.
You can analyze the data interactively using the Cube module or you can use the static but predefined dashboards for a quick overview.
From an external point of view, any modern browser is supported as a front-end.
In the DMZ, the website adapted to the Corporate Identity is hosted on the web server provided to Städtler Logistik. The data is forwarded to the database via a broker. This ensures maximum security and the data is available in both directions in real time.
The dispatcher usually uses our extensive and flexible system LP2 to automate their work as much as possible.
The Smart Client LP2 is used as a Windows application in the specialist department. Website access for internal personnel is possible, but not required.
In the DMZ, the website adapted to the Corporate Identity is hosted on the web server provided to Städtler Logistik. The data is forwarded to the database via a broker. This ensures maximum security and the data is available in both directions in real time.
The dispatcher usually uses our extensive and flexible system LP2 to automate their work as much as possible.
The Smart Client LP2 is used as a Windows application in the specialist department. Website access for internal personnel is possible, but not required.
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Succeed with Städtler
»In a Europe-wide tendering process, we chose LP2 and use the software for our self-billing procedures. We were able to reduce manual labor to a minimum, as the highly efficient system makes importing and integrating all tariff variants, including Siemens’ own tariffs, remarkably simple.«
IT Information Services & Projects Manager, SIEMENS AG
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Your contact person:

Christian Schneider
Head of Transport Management
Phone: +49 911 45009-311
Email: ch.schneider@staedtler-logistik.de
Head of Transport Management
Phone: +49 911 45009-311
Email: ch.schneider@staedtler-logistik.de